Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

Who's to blame when you decide to take your own life? Friends? Family? Bullies? Yourself?

cover of Th1rt3en Reasons Why Thirteen Reasons Why details the events that led to the demise of Hannah Baker and the actions of those she pinpointed as having played a role in her suicide.

Hannah's "woe is me" approach makes her story more a pity party instead of sparking sympathy for her struggles. It made her an unlikeable character. I'm sold on the fact that people have the ability to affect and influence the thoughts and actions of others, but eventually you have to claim ownership of the decisions you make for your own life.

Throughout, Hannah continuously highlights all the suicidal signs missed by her family and friends. Frankly, I found Hannah's cries for help to be subtle at best. Things I could have easily overlooked. The constant flow of misplaced guilt solidified my annoyance and lack of compassion for her.

This book serves as a reminder to always be aware of how we treat one another but it fell short on substance with the abundance of scapegoating. It hit just shy of being an okay read.